How to allow users to sign in using mobile number with Devise and Rails?
06 May 2020Most people in the world who use smartphones don’t own/use email. However they know how to operate the mobile and apps.
What if you need to build an app for such users who want to access your app and it requires some kind of authentication mechanism?
If you are building a web application using rails, the natural choice for authentication would be Devise. Conventionally Device’s promotes email to authenticate users. Replacing email with mobile as authentication key needs some tweaks in configurations.
Ensure you have configured root
in your application inside config/routes.rb
. You can skip this section and jump to Install Devise step
If you just created a new rails app, let us create a simple HomeController
with index
action for demo purpose. Run following from command line
rails g controller Home index
Then change config/routes.rb
and configure root
root 'home#index'
Install Devise
You can skip this step if you have already set up the Device.
Modify Gemfile Add
gem 'devise'
to yourGemfile
and runbundle install
from the command line -
Run Devise Generator Next, run
rails generate devise:install
from the command line
Follow instructions appear in the console to complete configuration.
Create Model
Create a model for authentication passing mobile
as additional field
rails generate devise User mobile
Modify Generated Migration
Devise is going to use mobile
to find matching user in the app so we should add index to mobile
to make searching faster. This command creates User
model, creates a migration for it and changes routes.rb
to add Devise specific routes.
Open the generated migration and make following changes
- Mark
field as notnull
t.string :mobile, null: false
Add following line below the the index for email
add_index :users, :mobile, unique: true
Run Migration
Run rails db:migrate
from the command line to create users
Enable Authentication
Assuming you want to protect all views/controllers, add following to enable authentication for all controllers in ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
Now start rails server
and hit http://localhost:3000
to verify the setup. You should get a login page.
Override Devise’s Default Views
Devise provides default views for Sign In, Sign Up, Reset Password etc. All those views are configured to use email
which we need to replace with mobile
Copy views from Devise to your app
Runrails generate devise:views
from command line -
in Sign In and Sign Up devise views
to replaceemail
Also, replaceemail_filed
. The updated configuration will look like in both views
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :mobile %><br />
<%= f.telephone_field :mobile, autofocus: true, autocomplete: "mobile" %>
Whitelist mobile param via Strong parameters
Devise controllers santize parameters to ensure only require parameters are sent and rest are ignored. We added mobile
field which is not in the whitelist provided by Deviase. We need to add it to ensure it is allowed to use by Devise. Here is how it looks like:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller?
before_action :authenticate_user!
def configure_permitted_parameters
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:mobile])
devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_in, keys: [:mobile])
Check Whitelisting Custom Fields for more details.
Override Devise’s Default Model Configuration
Add following to your User
model to avoid email
as authentication key
validates :email, uniqueness: true
validates :mobile, uniqueness: true
# Search user by mobile(not email)
def self.find_first_by_auth_conditions(warden_conditions)
conditions = warden_conditions.dup
where(mobile: conditions[:mobile]).first
# Stop using email as authentication key
def email_required?
def email_changed?
def will_save_change_to_email?
Refer How To: Allow users to sign in using their username or email address For more details
Change Initializer to support mobile as authentication key
Open config/initializers/devise.rb
and ensure following configuration:
config.authentication_keys = [:mobile]
config.case_insensitive_keys = [:mobile]
config.strip_whitespace_keys = [:mobile]
And….That’s it. Now restart the rails server and we are done!
You can find the working application here on Github and take a look at commits.
P.S. You can use any custom field instead of mobile